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The Entrepreneurs' Guild Podcast

Mar 29, 2022

Helping people every day” is certainly a theme when it comes to entrepreneurs who love their work. Eileen, from “Hungry Hill”, moved from advertising, marketing & PR into real estate and obviously enjoys being an independent contractor, as well as a person who gets to help people every day, with great intention!

Mar 22, 2022

Manny Rivera is a very interesting and highly accomplished web designer with a unique approach to learning about and satisfying his clients. He begins with a focus on business development and long term trends, so that his websites generate revenue for his clients and have real staying power. This is a fascinating program!

Mar 15, 2022

Joe Tavella joined Bearingstar as an Insurance Consultant in 2015 and has been working as an independent property claims adjuster since 1995. He genuinely cares about his clients and employs a fresh and interesting approach by using his claims experience to help his customers choose the best coverage options to meet...

Mar 8, 2022

Today’s program is the third in our LAUNCH series, a set of programs that repurpose portions of a 2021 podcast known as Flawless Launch. Those podcasts discussed the learnings from the book “The Entrepreneurial Mindset”, a book which was written to help defeat the epidemic of small business failures in the...

Mar 1, 2022

Dylann Keaney is a young entrepreneur who is the President of Black Helicopter Creative LLC, a very successful full service creative shop based out of Longmeadow, Massachusetts. Some of Black Helicopter’s notable achievements include building the website for Alex Rodriguez’s investment company A-Rod Corp, and...